Synchroteam allows you to raise incidents for your customers, sites and equipment.
You will be able to set an SLA type for your incident or choose an SLA type from the contract you paired your incident with.
In order to resolve your incident you will also have to link the incident with a job.
Raise an incident
If you have already created a contract for your incidents you can go to the Contract's details and create your incident there. For more information please click here.
You can also raise an incident by going to Contracts (1) > Incidents (2).
Once there you can:
- Click on "Add Incident"
- Choose a customer, site and equipment
- The Date and time declared will automatically be given but can be edited.
- Add a description to the incident
- Click on Create
Set an SLA for the incident
When an incident is created, Synchroteam checks whether the customer/site/equipment linked to the incident has a current contract with SLAs, and if it does, it will apply that SLA to it.
However, you also have the option of not associating your incident with a contract and assigning it its own SLA (Case 1), or if the contract selected by default (which is the most recent) is not suitable for your incident, you can link it to another contract linked to the customer/site/equipment (Case 2).
Case 1:
If you do not want to link the incident to an existing contract then you will need to set a :
- Time to Own (TTO)
- Time to Start (TTS)
- Time to Resolve (TTR)
Then click on Save (4)
(all fields are in HH:mm format)
Case 2:
If you want to link the incident to a contract then you can go to the Contract field and choose your contract (1) and the type of SLA (2) which will be set for the incident.
Once the contract and SLA type have been selected you will automatically get your Time to Own (TTO), Time to Start (TTS) and Time to Resolve (TTR).
Link the incident to a job
In order to put your incident in status Owned you will need to attach it to a job.
Case 1:
You can now link your incident to a job which has already been created or scheduled (1) for your customer/site/equipment.
Once you have selected a job (2) you can click on Save (3).
Your incident has now been owned and can later be started by the technician who is or will be scheduled for the job.
Case 2:
You can Save your incident and link it to an incident later by editing the incident and attaching it to an existing job
Case 3:
You can create a new job or edit a job (in status Created or Synchronized) and attach it to an incident or create a new incident for it.
Go to the Incident / Contract section (1), tick the option " Link to incident" (2) and select an existing incident or create a new incident (3)
Option A:
The job is attached to an incident you previously created (and to a contract if the incident was linked to one)
Option B:
You create a new incident.
You can link it to an existing contract and use one of its SLA types (1) or you can define a new SLA for the incident (2)
Please note that if your job has a job type that is attached to an SLA type in a current contract, then the incident will be automatically created.
Track the incident's progress
Please note that the incident can only be started and resolved on the mobile app.
The Timer starts once you have declared the incident.
Once the incident is linked to a job, the incident goes through 3 stages : Owned, Started and Resolved.
Step 1. The incident is linked to a job >> the incident is "Owned"
Step 2. The technician starts the incident through the attached job on the mobile app >> the incident is "Started"
Step 3. (optional) The technician freezes the incident on the mobile app >> the incident remains in "Started" status but the timer stops and freezes, until the technician unfreezes the incident.
Step 4. The technician resolves the incident on the mobile app >> the incident is "Resolved" and the Timer stops.
In the example below, the incident was resolved in 18 minutes in 14 seconds.
It took :
- 1 minute to link the incident to the job >> status "Owned"
- 15 minutes for the technician to start the incident (knowing that 1 minute had already gone by before he could actually see and start the incident) >> status "Started"
- and a total of 18 minutes to resolve the issue (with 3 minutes between the time the technician clicked on "Start" and then "Resolve") >> status "Resolved"
The Timer starts when you declare the incident.
You then get three timer indicators which will be displayed in green or in red based in wether you have exceeded the times defined in the incident's SLA.
The times will be displayed in green if :
- Time to Own (TTO) defined in the SLA is superior to the time you take to link the incident to a job
- Time to Start (TTS) defined in the SLA is superior to the time the technician takes to start the incident
- Time to Resolve (TTR) defined in the SLA is superior to the time the technician takes to resolve the incident
The times will be displayed in red if :
- Time to Own (TTO) defined in the SLA is inferior to the time you take to link the incident to a job
- Time to Start (TTS) defined in the SLA is inferior to the time the technician takes to start the incident
- Time to Resolve (TTR) defined in the SLA is inferior to the time the technician takes to resolve the incident