To create your own job report template, you can first download the Example Word file. (see article Job Reports: pdf customization)
You can then use this Template and apply your changes directly onto the file.
You can decide which data you wish to retrieve in your invoice PF and decide where and how you it to be displayed.
Text fields display:
1. List of the main fields
You may view the following fields in your job report if you insert their tags into the word file:
Fields | Tags |
Customer | <@CustomerName@> |
Site | <@SiteName@> |
Equipment | <@EquipmentName@> |
Customer custom number | <@CustomerCustomNumber@> |
Site custom number | <@SiteCustomNumber@> |
Equipment custom number | <@EquipmentCustomNumber@> |
Job Address | <@JobAddress@> |
Job Additional Address | <@JobAdditionalAddress@> |
Customer Address | <@CustomerAddress@> |
Customer Additional Address | <@CustomerAdditionalAddress@> |
Site Address | <@SiteAddress@> |
Site Additional Address | <@SiteAdditionalAddress@> |
Customer's VAT Number | <@CustomerVATNumber@> |
Job's Contact first name | <@FirstName@> |
Job's Contact last name | <@LastName@> |
Job's Contact phone | <@Phone@> |
Job's Contact mobile | <@Mobile@> |
Customer Email | <@Customer.Email@> |
Site Email | <@Site.Email@> |
Email linked to the job | <@Job.Email@> |
Your company's billing address or the job type's company header | <@AddrHeader@> |
Job number | <@JobNumber@> |
Technician Name | <@TechnicianName@> |
Technician Auxiliary Names | <@TechnicianAuxNames@> |
Date and time of Job Creation | <@JobCreateDate@> |
Date and Time scheduled (Started) | <@SchedStartDate@> |
Scheduled duration | <@SchedDuration@> |
Date and Time carried out (Started) | <@RealStartDate@> |
Date and Time carried out (Completed) | <@RealEndDate@> |
Carried out duration | <@RealDuration@> |
Job Type | <@JobType@> |
Job Description | <@JobDescription@> |
Equipment label | <@EquipmentLabel@> |
Equipment | <@EquipmentName@> |
Date scheduled (Started) | <@StartedScheduledDate@> |
Date scheduled (Completed) | <@CompletedScheduledDate@> |
Real Date (Completed) |
<@CompletedRealisedDate@> |
Date carried out (Started) | <@StartedRealDate@> |
Generation date | <@GenerationDate@> |
Customer (in signatures section) | <@SignCustomerName@> |
Signatory’s name (in signatures section) | <@SiteNameSign@> |
Customer's signature name | <@CustomerNameSign@> |
Company name (in signatures section) | <@CompanyName@> |
Technician name (in signatures section) | <@TechnicianNameSign@> |
User's signature name | <@SignTechName@> |
Please note that if you wish to display dates or format in a different form than the one you have put in you "Regional Settings" then you can specify the format in the tag.
E.g. <@SchedStartDate//dd MM yy hh:mm@>
2. Custom fields
To create custom fields, see custom fields section.
a. Display of all custom fields:
By creating a one-line table you can view all of your custom fields. This line will define the format and the number columns in you would like to display your custom fields.
In order to identify your tables, add to them the bookmark of your choice according to the data you wish to display : "allCustomFieldsTab", "jobCustomFieldsTab", "userCustomFieldsTab", "customerCustomFieldsTab", "siteCustomFieldsTab", or "equipmentCustomFieldsTab".
To learn how to add bookmarks to your document, click here.
Tags | Description |
<@CustomFields//Name@> | CustomField name |
<@CustomFields//Value@> | CustomField value |
b. Display of one specific custom field:
The following tag enables you to only display a specific custom field : <@Object//CustomField//cfName@>
E.g. <@User//CustomField//General information:@>
If your custom field is linked to a job, technician, client, site or equipment you just need to replace Object with :
Job, User, Customer, Site or Equipment in the above tag.
Job report
1. Display the job report content (categories&Items):
In order to insert your job report in your Pdf, use the three-line table (see table below):
- The first line is to set the picture size, for the report’s images and signatures but also to set the format of dates and hours;
- The second line is for the category’s name;
- The third line is to show the name, value, comment and item link and set their format, as well as the size of fl_reserve image.
In order to identify this table, add to it a « reportJob » bookmark, in the Word Template.
You can find below, the list of all available tags and their description.
Tags | Description | |
<@Items//PictureSize//Width*Height@> |
<@Items//DateFormat//the date format@> |
<@Items//TimeFormat//the time format@> | Specify the time format. (E.g.:<@Items//TimeFormat//hh:mm:tt@>) |
<@Categories//Name@> | Category name | |
<@Items//Name@> | Item name | |
<@Items//LinkValue@> | Localization link | |
<@Items//Value@> | Item value | |
<@Items//Issue//Width*Height@> | Size of the "Issue" status (E.g.:<@Items//Reserve//30*30@>) |
<@Items//Comment@> | Item's comment |
2. Display categories or shared blocks from the Job Report:
You can choose to display a few categories or shared blocks and not the entire job report.
To do so take the same table used to display the whole job report and assign to it the following bookmarks.
- reportJob_categoryname for a category
- reportJob_namesharedblock for a shared block
If your category is named « Client Satisfaction » then its bookmark will be: reportJob_ClientSatisfaction
If your shared block is named « Used Material » then its bookmark will be: reportJob_UsedMaterial
Should you wish to simplify the presentation of you job report for instance if you have a repetition of the same shared block then you can also present your shared block in the form of a table.
To do so assign to it the following bookmark to the table above : reportJob_namesharedblock_tab
If there is more than one used material then you can use a table in order to put all together « Used Material 1 », « Used Material 2 », « Used Material 3 » you may use the bookmark reportJob_UsedMaterial_tab
The table will display all the fields you have created in your shared block, even those that are conditional fields and are not filled in in the job report. Those columns will juste appear as empty.
The number of columns is also limited to 63 therefore you can only use a table for a maximum of 63 items in your shared block.
Please note that spaces cannot be put into bookmarks therefore all the words in the name of a shared block or category need to put next to one another.
3. Display of a category’s specific item:
a. Display an item’s value
If you wish to show only the value of a specific item you can use the following tag:
E.g. <@Item//All details//Product quality@>
If you wish to change the format of an item such as a date please do as follow :
<@Item//categoryname//itemname//DateFormat//dd MMMM yyyy@> for a date, or
<@Item//categoryname//itemname//TimeFormat//hh:mm@> for a time
E.g. <@Item//Intervention//Start Date//DateFormat//dd MMMM yyyy@>
Should you use a specific tag, please note that you need to write the full tag and not copy-paste text inside it as Word will misinterpret it.
b. Display a list of values as checkboxes
If you have "List of values" or "Multi select" fields in your job report, you can list all these values one after the other, with a checkbox next to each one, which will be ticked if the value has been selected.
To do this, use the following template:
E.g. <@CheckList//Job details//Equipment type@>
c. Display an item’s comment
If you wish to display the comment of a specific item you can use the following tag:
E.g. <@ItemComment//All details//Product quality@>
d. Display an item’s issue
If you wish to display only the issue of a specific item you can use the following tag:
E.g. <@ItemIssue//10*10//All details//Product quality@>
4. Signature display:
The tags <@SignPictureCustomer//Width*Height@> and <@SignPictureUser//Width*Height@> allow you to display, respectively, the customer's signature and the technician’s signature, and choose their size.
- Either you specify only the Width: <@SignPictureUser//150@> and only the entered width: 150 pixels will be taken into account while the Height will be automatically deduced by the software so as not to distort the image.
- Or you specify Width*Height: <@SignPictureUser//150*170@> and only the entered height: 170 pixels will be taken into account and the Width will be automatically deduced by the software so as not to distort the image.
In order to identify this table, select the table and go to Insert > Bookmark and add to it a « signaturesTab » bookmark.
5. Display the images linked to a job report:
In order to display the job report’s images, create a single-line table in which you can decide how many pictures you would like to put next to one-another. You can also choose to pick out the size of the pictures and show their comments.
Note that: the displayed images are only those which aren’t featured in the job report’s categories. They correspond to the ones that are additionally added.
In order to identify this table, add to it a "picturesTab" bookmark.
Tags | Description |
<@Picture//PictureSize[//Width*Hei ght]@> |
Size of the picture |
<@Picture//Comment@> | Comment about the picture |
Timeline display:
In order to display all the timelines from your main as well as the auxiliary technicians assigned to the job you can create the following table and add to it the "JobTimeTab" bookmark.
Tags | Description |
<@JobTime.Technician@> | Technician's name |
<@JobTime.Start@> |
Start date and time |
<@JobTime.End@> |
End date and time |
<@JobTime.Duration@> |
Timeline duration |
Here is an example:
Parts and services:
1. Display the list of parts:
In order to display the list of parts and services create the table (1) (or copy the one from the example template) which will allow you to get the 9 following fields:
category, designation, reference, quantity, tax, unit price including and excluding taxes, total including and excluding taxes for all parts and services which have been added to your job.
Then identify this table by adding the « PartsAndServicesTab » bookmark by selecting the table > Insert > Bookmark.
Please note that you can change the title of each column and that you can delete the unwanted columns.
2. Display the tax list:
Should you wish to show the list of tax rates and tax values you can insert the second table seen above (2) with the tags <@TaxVal@> and <@TaxTotal@> and identify it by adding to it a « PartsAndServicesTaxTab » bookmark.
Finally, use the <@SubTotal@> tag to display the total excl. taxes and the <@FinalTotal@> tag for the total incl. taxes.
Logo display:
To add your logo, see the article upload my logo.
To insert your logo into the job report template add the tag <@Logo//Width*Height@> and you can choose its size by replacing "Width * Height".
E.g. <@Logo//50*50@>
You can also decide to only specify the width of your logo : <@Logo//Width@>
Ex: <@Logo//50@>
If the resolution doesn’t suit you, you may directly copy your logo into the Word file.
If you do not find the Word2Pdf feature on the Job report Template page do not hesitate to contact us in order to activate it.
Warning : Please note that you cannot overlay images nor texts in your Word file.