The time-tracking enables you to track the activities of your technicians and to create pay rolls based on their time sheets.
To see how to use the Time Tracking on the mobile application please click here.
In order to activate the time tracking onto your account go to “Settings” (1) > “Options” (2)
In the first section “System Functions" turn ON or OFF” to activate the Time Tracking and set the number of minutes of inactivity at which you will have an automatic clock out.
Ex: The automatic clock out has been set at 20 min of inactivity.
After doing so go back to “Settings” (1) and in click on “Pay Rates” (3) in order to manage your technicians’ pay rates for the Time Tracking and Payroll.
You can now activate the time tracking for the technicians of your choice.
By clicking on the name of your technicians you can tick the “Time Tracking” box and choose whether you wish to base your overtime on the number of hours per day or per week in the drop-down list.
You can now fill in the following fields:
- The number of hours at which will start your technician’s overtime 1 and 2
- The regular rate at which your technician is paid
- The rate at which you will pay your technician while in overtime 1 and 2
If the above technician Nico Steven worked for 12 hours today then he will have his first 8 hours at a regular rate of 25 euros. Then as we have decided that the first overtime starts after 8 hours and the second overtime starts after 9 hours then he will be paid 30 Euros for his 9th hours. And finally he will be paid 35 Euros per hour or his final 3 hours.
Therefore, today’s payroll = 8x25+1x30+3x35 = 335 Euros
To finish your Time Tracking setup, go to “Settings” (1) > “Activity Types” (2) in order to give to state the type of your activities and choose whether they will be payable or not.
Payable activities are accounted for in the timesheets and are included in the technicians’ payrolls.
Non payable activities will appear in the timesheets but their duration will not be included in the payrolls’ computation.
For each activity you can choose between 3 types of activities:
- “At work activity” for activities that are done while the technician is at work. Their duration is accounted for in the technician’s timesheet. E.g. Lunch breaks or Training.
- “Unavailability” for activities such as holidays, which will create a conflict if jobs are scheduled at the same time.
- “Travel”: this activity type is used when the technician is on the move, for instance in between 2 jobs.
You can then choose whether they are payable or not by clicking on “Yes” or “No” in the drop-down list.
If an activity is payable, then it will automatically generate a clock in on the mobile application and if a technician starts a non-payable activity the he will automatically be put in clock out.
For more details on the creation of activities in the Back Office check the article "Activities" and to see how to use them on the mobile application check the article "Use Activities" pour le mobile.
If you go under the Schedule Tab you can see all the jobs and activities placed in the order of their occurrence and you can also view all clock ins out and clock outs and the time at which they happened.
Daily schedule
The time slots that are in the daily schedule each Clock In that has been done during the day. You can also see their exact times by clicking on them.
Week Schedule
In the Week schedule you will be able to view the times of all jobs, activities and Clock In and Out.
They will appear in Chronological order and may click on each one of them to get the details.
Activity Schedule
You may see all activities and Clock Ins when you go to Schedule > Activities
From there you can change the information linked to any type of activity by clicking on it > Edit > Save.
This schedule encompasses all Clock Ins, At work, Travel and Unavailability activities, payable or not.
Go to the tab “Time Tracking” (1) and select “Time Sheets” (2)
Then you will get the time sheets of all of your technicians, one after the other, during the current week.
You can choose to only show the time sheet of one of your technicians by giving his name (1) and you can change the week you would like to study (2).
Note that all time sheets are done on a weekly basis and always start on Monday and finish on Sunday.
For each day in the technician's time sheet you get his daily schedule which is composed of four categories:
- Jobs: sum of all time he has spent doing his different jobs.
- Travel: sum of all the time he has spent on Travel activities
- Other: sum of all the time he has spent on payable activities (other than travel activities)
- Idle: sum of all the Clock In times during which they aren’t any activities or job
Underneath each time total you also get the percentage each category represents over the whole day, which is reported just above the blue table.
In brackets, you also get the cumulative time for the week.
E.g. On Monday (first day on the time sheet) the technician has a total of 05:49 therefore it is also the time reported for the week. However, on Wednesday the week time has moved to 11:12 as we have added his daily time which was of 05:23 and that there was no activity on Tuesday.
By clicking on “details” underneath the table you can see the times of the technician’s:
- Clock Ins
- Jobs
- At work activities (in orange)
- Travel activities (in green), with the number of kilometers travelled
As you can see in the example above:
- Driving (a payable travel activity) is in green and you can see the number of kilometers
- Training (a payable at work activity) is in orange
- Lunch Break (a non-payable at work activity) is in orange and is separate from jobs, payable activities and clock ins as its time will not be included in the payrolls
On the right of a job block you get the time (without interruptions) of the job. Therefore, a job that has been put on pause and restarted a couple of times will appear in three blocks.
Jobs will only appear in the time sheets once they have been completed.
For any clock in, job or activity that has started on day X but goes on to the following days without any interruption then the hours belong to day X.
For instance, as you can see below the job has started at 17:55 on the 29th and finished the 30th at 11:21 which makes a total of 17:27 hours of work. This hours will be reported on the 29th.
Once you get the total hours that have been done during the day you can first choose to recalculate the number of hours that have been done and then the hours will be properly distributed according to the technician’s time tracking form.
If we take the example of Mickael Shinoda for whom you had previously set the following overtime hours and rates, his daily hours will be distributed as seen in the table below.
In order to export your technician's weekly time sheets select a week in the Date Picker and click on the "Export to Excel" button at the top right.
In the tab “Pay period” you can get an overlook of all the pay periods you have set with:
- The start and end date
- The number of technicians
- The total of regular, overtime 1 and 2 hours and the sum of them all
- The total costs of regular, overt overtime 1 and 2 hours and the sum of them all
After having reviewed the technicians’ timesheets you can create pay periods which is a period during which you can see the sum of the hours your technicians have done and how much you owe them.
In order to set a pay period, go to the tab “Time Tracking” (1) and select “Pay periods” (2) then click on the button “+ Pay Period”
Then in the pop-up fill in the name of your Pay Period and the start and end date and click on “Save”.
You may change its name and dates of your Pay period by clicking on it and clicking of “Edit”.
Pay Period Review
You can now open the Pay Period by going onto its name and clicking on “Detail”.
In case you hadn’t reviewed all your technician’s time sheets you still can go back to them by clicking on “Review”.
Once you have been redirected towards the corresponding Time Sheet, check the hours and click on “Save” for all the days included in the Pay Period.
When they have all been reviewed you can view the total cost of your pay period (1).
If everything seems to be correct you can click on “Lock all” (2) in order to validate it and then click on choose to “Export to Excel” (3).
Should you require to apply modifications to the timesheets due to a change in the hours, click on “Unlock”, click on “Review” under the technician’s name, apply your changes and save them again.