Synchroteam allows you to customize your reports of jobs in order to stick as close to your business and your needs.
Click on "Settings -> Job Report Templates"
Enter a name for your report (1) and click on the "Add" button (2)
Once in the report window you can:
1. Change the report's name
2. Publish the report so that it can be assigned to your future jobs
3. Duplicate the report
4. Delete it
5. Add a category
6. Add a shared block (see the article: How to use the shared blocks)
Once you have created a category, you can add items to your report.
1. Change the category name
2. Enter the item names (max: 256 characters)
3. Select the type of response expected
4. Set the item as mandatory
5. Set the item as private (means that this item will not appear on the PDF that you can give at your customer)
6. To ensure that this item appears depending on a previous answer
7. Validation the creation of the item
List of the different types of items which can be used (3):
- Compliance: allows to choose between two values, conforming or not conforming
- List of values: list to select only one value
- Text field: allows you to enter any text (alphabetic and numeric). (Max: 512 characters)
- Date: allows you to select a date
- Hour: allows you to select a hour
- Numeric: allows you to enter only a number
- Signature: allows to sign on the mobile
- Photo: allows you to add a photo
- Localization: allows to locate the place where you are
- Multi-select: Value list to select multiple entries
- Duration : allows you to select a duration in hours or minutes
List of the item types that can be defined as a condition (6):
Item types for which a conditional field will appear when the value defined as a condition is given:
- Hour
- Date
- Duration
- List of values
- Multi-select
- Numeric
- Compliance
Item types for which a conditional field will appear when the field is "defined" or "not defined":
- Localization
- Photo
- Signature
Only "Text field" cannot be used as a condition to display another field.
Most changes made to a report template will only be available to jobs created after these changes.
Example: Job Report for a water company
Do not hesitate to contact our support team, by submitting your request here, should you require any assistance building your Job report.