Click on "Settings" from any screen
Click on "Create a user"
Fill in the creation form (mandatory fields are in red, white fields are optional)
1. Last Name
2. First Name
3. Mobile Phone
4. Email
5. Choose a Profile: Administrator, Manager, Technician. (See User Profiles)
6. Choose a language, the default language for your account is proposed
7. Choose the username, only alphanumeric characters and lowercase
8. Choose a Password
9. Whether the user is a subcontractor
10. Please enter the user's Time Zone
11. Please enter the start address of the technician to make more effective the optimization engine schedule "ScheduleAssist" (See Optimize Schedule).
12. For each technician, you can define their skills.
13. The additional information includes user custom fields you have previously created. (See Custom Fields)
14. Add the user to groups (See Team Management)
15. Last Login Date and Last Synchronization Date
Click on the "Save" button to confirm the creation of a new user